5 Benefits of Meal Prep
Are you tired of trying to figure out what to eat throughout the week? It's very common for people to go to the quickest and easiest food when they are hungry. This usually leads to fast-food, processed food and fillers. Spending way too much money and not reaching your fitness goals can all end with a simple weekend meal prep. Routines are hard to start. But once you start the weekly routine of meal prep, it can possibly change your life with these 5 great benefits:

1. Save Money! We all know that eating out adds up and can be very expensive. So by planning your meals and having them already made, makes eating at home and saving money all that much easier. Planning meals a few weeks to a month in advance and buying in bulk will be a big money saver. Don't be afraid of your freezer if it means spending less in the long run. 2. Lose Weight!When your meals are pre-portioned you are less likely to keep eating and overindulge. You can also roughly calculate the calories for each meal and stay on track with your calorie goals. 3. Eating Healthy!By portioning out your meals into small to medium containers, you can insure that you have the right amount of nutrients. You can control the amount of carbs (brown rice, sweet potato, etc.) going into those containers as well as getting enough protein and vegetables.
4. Easier Shopping!When you meal prep you get to plan your meal ahead of time so you know exactly what you are going to buy. Not only does meal prepping make shopping easier but it also saves time. No one wants to be running to the store three times a week, so get organized and be prepared. 5. Less Waste!Heres a not so fun fact: Every year, consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food (222 million tones) as the entire net food production of sub-Saharan Africa (230 million tonnes). Preparing portion size meals in advance will not only help you buy what you are planning on eating, but will also help you to eat what you buy. Lets all come together and stop taking food for granted. Please, lets waste less.