Image vs Health

The media has distorted the reason why we exercise (move) and eat cleanly. No workout program or routine alone is going to give you six pack abs or make you look hotter naked. Even if it’s been endorsed by many celebrities. The idea of marketing fitness products or services towards image is a very superficial way of luring people with low self esteem.
The real point I want to make here is that we’ve lost sight of why we spend hours a week busting our butts exercising. Most people focus on appearance and that exercising will give them a new and improved attractiveness to others. This is rarely the case. Most people don’t see much of a difference in their bodies after many months of hard training. The most important benefit of exercising and great nutrition, in our opinion, is HEALTH!!
At Lift we focus on the HEALTH benefits of strength and conditioning, high intensity AND low intensity exercise, hypertrophy training and all forms of moving the body combined with diet. An improvement in things such as blood pressure, lung function, cholesterol, joints, muscles and mental health, along with a decreased risk of heart disease and diabetes is far more vital than looking good naked.
If the client loses a few kilos of fat along the way then that is a bonus. Don’t get me wrong, people in the obese category definitely need to lose a lot of kilos but that’s definitely for the sake of their health. This takes precedent over loosing weight to look better. The intrinsic health benefits should be the focus of anyone setting out on a fitness journey and that’s what is encouraged here at LIFT.